Gracefield Camp
Fonds Aide Technique
EÉS (non constituée)
Présentation de l’entreprise
For several decades, the Presbyterian Church in Canada has owned a 228 acre site on White Castor Lake in the Municipality of Gracefield. The Gracefield Christian Camp and Retreat Center (GCCRC) was created to manage the site and continues to this day to fulfill its mandate by organizing camps for youth and families.
Today, given the need for recreational tourism in the region, the Outaouais-Laurentides RDC in collaboration with the Board of directors of the GCCRC and the Presbytery of Ottawa, has initiated a process to study the possibility of creating a new independent social economy enterprise. This new entity would expand access to the site to the community through the establishment of partnerships with local organizations and to improve the offer of recreational tourism services in the Outaouais region.
The camp offers accommodation options and various recreational activities in all seasons for nature lovers. It also offers the rental of several facilities and equipment for tourists, including camping areas, canoes, kayaks, bicycles, snowshoes, etc.
Impact social
Offrir des possibilités d’hébergement à diverses activités récréatives de plein air en toute saison aux touristes et aux personnes de la région, mettre à disposition des installations et équipements liés aux activités de plein air et créer des emplois