Guide for analysis of social economy enterprises
Developed by experts in Québec solidarity finance, this guide is an essential reference tool for advisors, analysts, academics, finance committee members, and fund/program managers of social economy enterprises. Unique of its kind, it presents and analyzes all the aspects and features of this type of enterprise, by means of 3 fictional enterprises. It provides practical and handy tools to facilitate analysis and evaluation, both social and economic, of a collective enterprise or project submitted for funding.
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Digital version

Totally interactive, this version comes in the form of a downloadable and printable PDF file. It features analytical tools specifically adapted to collective enterprises.
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Available in French or English
Print version

The print version, in addition to giving access to the completely interactive PDF version, provides analytical tools that are specifically adapted to collective enterprises and available only through downloading.
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Available in French or English
Moving from theory to practice . . .
- Comprehend the reality of social economy enterprises
- Learn about their principles and rules of operation
- Analyze the different components of a social economy enterprise
- Evaluate their conditions for success
- Be capable of making an informed financing decision
- Effectively follow-up the enterprise’s development
- Presentation of the social economy in Québec: Portrait of the actors, concepts, and characteristics of the enterprises.
- Analyzing social economy enterprises: The Association and the Enterprise
- Financial analysis and financing proposal: accounting features, financing structure, analytical methods
- The investment decision: Project evaluation, report and analysis, recommendation, and financing conditions
- Follow-up and social impact measurement: Principles inherent to preparing a monitoring chart and method for measuring social impacts
- 3 fictional collective enterprises used as examples to illustrate the theory
- Practical and reusable tools in the form of analytical grids and spreadsheets for the analysis and evaluation of a social economy project.
Produced by the réseau de la finance solidaire et responsable
The Guide for Analysis of Social Economy Enterprises is a collective work, initiated by the Réseau d’investissement social du Québec (RISQ). Member groups of CAP Finance were enlisted to contribute expertise and financing to the project. Their active involvement in preparing its contents has resulted in a practical and thorough reference tool.

An initiative of the members of CAP Finance


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